You can find other additional tutorials on their official YouTube channel here. Even with it's most complex sphere, Tinkercad can create it using relatively low surfaces count. The The great advantage programs like Tinkercad has over programs like Blender or Sketchup is that one, in terms of basic design, the program is extremely easy to use and can also export into a variety of different files. In comes Tinkercad, a new 3D Design program available online as free-through-trial. Pepakura works by converting the 3D model's geometric faces and vertices into foldable papercraft surfaces, therefore we need to use a program that converts objects using a low surface polygon count. Since we will eventually be exporting our model into the papercrafting program Pepakura, we need to have a 3D design software that will meet its restrictions. For more on paper 3D printing I suggest this instructableĪlso, you'll want to download a free PDF converter software, to export from Pepakura into GIMP. They have a "paper cut out" option which is decent for the most part, but their "Slice" option is most impressive. Autodesk 123D: Autodesk's new 123D Make program is a new software program for creating and 3D printing objects.It's learning curve is a bit steep, however. Blender: A really powerful free 3D design modeling program with a variety of different options.

More on this later, but a good companion piece to Pepakura.